チョムリアップ・スオ(Good afternoon)
(It's April, the cold weather has eased up and we are enjoying pleasant days every day.
Last week, the first semester of the 2024 academic year started and classes began.)
(At the same time with the start of the first semester, new short-term students from Europe and Asia have come to study at our school. One of them is a student from Cambodia.)
(We are very happy to have a student from Cambodia following Mr.Sohamy Romly who studied in the second semester of 2023.)
彼女の名前は、Lao Sokkeangさん。パニアッサストラ大学から来た学生です。とても笑顔が素敵で明るい学生です。カンボジアでは、ボランティア活動を行っており、積極的な学生でもあります。
(A new student name is Ms. Lao Sokkeang. She is a student from Pannyassastra University. She is a bright student with a very nice smile. She is also an active student in Cambodia, doing volunteer activities in her country.)
(When I explained the outline of the Cambodia International Exchange Project to her, she immediately understood the content of the project and decided to join us.)
(The members looked very happy when they met her.)
(It is very encouraging to have a reliable helper.)
(I am looking forward to the future.)
チョムリアップ・リア(Good bye)